She was born in 1991 in Siedlce. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw – a diploma in the studio of Professor Stanisław Baj. She took part in the international student exchange and spent a semester at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Slovenia. Her interests are mainly nude and abstract paintings.
- Group exhibition „Dynamizm, równowaga, różnorodność” („Dynamism, balance, diversity”) in Lutheraneum, Warsaw, 2014.
- Group exhibition „Poszukiwanie” („Search”) at the Płock Art Gallery, Płock, 2014.
- Post open-air exhibition „Pleneriada” in Nadwiślańskie Museum, Kazimierz Dolny, 2014.
- Post open-air exhibition in Uroczysko Zaborek near Janów Podlaski, 2015.
- Group exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana 2015.
- Long Night of Museums at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, 2015.
- Long Night of Museums, exhibition „Pół żartem, pół serio” („Half-jokingly, half-seriously”) the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, 2016.
- Post open-air exhibition „Rysunek kolorem – Cieleśnica 2016”, („Drawing with color – Cieleśnica 2016”), the Palace in Cieleśnica, 2016.
- Diploma exhibition “Trzy Gracje” („Three Graces”) Lufcik Gallery, Association of Fine Arts Artists in Warsaw, 2017.
- Exhibition “Trzy Gracje” („Three Graces”), Pragaleria, Warsaw, 2017.